Today I just want to say a big thank you to my team members who spoke about the difficulties they were having in sticking to the I Ho Chuan (IHC) requirements (obligations).
Thank you!
It was very helpful knowing that I'm not alone in the struggle to accomplish this. I don't wish anyone hardship; never that! It's just nice to know I'm not the only one who has such challenges, that I'm not broken somehow.
Progress so far:
Kilometers: 172
Pushups: 3578
Sit-ups: 4002
Form Practice: 49
Weapon Form Practice: 102
Sparring/shadow boxing/etc: 52
Random Acts of Kindness: 40
Art: 1 (1.5 if you count just the ink drawing without watercolour)
Research Project on Insulin Resistance: 1 hour out of 180