It’s already March. I’m NOT READY! The beta versions of the forms are due soon.
Numbers are not where I wanted them to be. I’m battling a tiredness that is frustrating. Suffice to say, I will check on things.
For better or worse, here are the numbers:
Pushups/equivalent: 140
Situps: 3069
Weapon form: 152 – mostly research and practicing articulations.
Hand form: 7 – still too worried about creating the weapon form.
Acts of Kindness: 77 – not getting them all recorded like I would like.
Sparring: 165
Km: 172
Mend/nurture relationships: hard to say. Applying numbers to it is inadequate.
Blogging: 10 – so far so good
Drawing: nope
Meditation: 7 – that’s how many I can conscientiously say that I meditated or attempted meditation
Great Coat project – nothing further
So you are not where you want to be. Use this to motivate you to do a bit more every day. Sounds easy right! But that's because it is.