“It’s by writing… by stepping back a bit from the real thing to look at it, that we are most present.”
~ Alison Bechdel
Since it’s clear that there isn’t enough time for me to complete all the numbers for the I Ho Chuan (IHC) goals by the end of the Year of the Dragon, I have decided to push to complete at least a few. Normally the kilometres take care of themselves, but not being able to wear our watches in class this past year disrupted that. I wondered if it would, and now I know. So I will have to adjust accordingly for next year. I want to also push to get the number of blogs done, even though they weren’t done each week like they were supposed to be. This would still be a big step forward compared previous years. The other thing I want to attempt is to complete my repetitions of my sword form (weapon form) by then. That’s probably the biggest push I can hopefully complete in time.
Basically, I would rather accomplish some instead of none.
Pushups: 3822
Situps: 2922
Weapon Form: 594
Hand Form: 365
Random Acts of Kindness: 111
Sparring: 245
Kilometres: 1405
Memorize “Mastery”: Nothing to report
Nuture Relationships: Nothing to report
Blogging: 41
Declutter my life: Continues
Greatcoat project: No progress since last blog