“Journals contain ten categories of life patterns: longing; fear; mastery; (intentional) silences; key influences; hidden lessons; secret gifts; challenges; unfinished business; untapped potential. Each category corresponds to a way we engage or hold back in life.”
~ Alexandra Johnson
Pushups/equivalent: 3062
Sit-ups/equivalent: 2312
Weapon Form: 318
Hand Form: 297
RAoK: 92 – finally remembered to write down at least on of them recently
Sparring: 145
Kilometres: 1241
Memorize “Mastery”:
Nurture Relationships: seems there’s been more steps backwards than forwards this week
Blogging: 36
Declutter my life: got a significant part of this done this past week. Still so much more to do, and I haven’t even started on the digital declutter yet.
Great Coat project: Expecting to be able to significantly start back on this the end of this month