It’s always nice to feel like you’re actually making progress. Often times others tell me I’ve made progress but I just can’t see it myself, but when you can see it in yourself it’s really nice!
Yesterday that finally happened with my sword form. I finally have sword 1 and 2 memorized (took long enough!). So yesterday was my first day of trying to refine it. Up until now it was a struggle just to remember the moves in general, but now I started to think about using the dull side for the blocks versus the sharp side for the strikes; thinking about stances (need to clarify some of those with the Sifus); the purpose of some of the moves (also need to find out about some of those). That kick, jump, double fist thing has me confused too in terms of purpose and timing, especially since we don’t often do jumps because what goes up must come down, therefore there isn’t much you can change in midair, and your opponent is at an advantage because they know that someone left the gravity turned on.