By now you've probably noticed a theme with me. Organization, prioritization, efficiency, routine... all things I continue to struggle with for IHC and life in general.
There's an old joke: Want to make God laugh?
Tell Him your plans.
Well God (the Creator, Cosmic Energy, whatever you call it/him/her, if you have such a belief) gets a lot of laughs at my expense if that's the case.
I'm still behind in my requirements, including this blog, and now the video lessons as well. It's very hard to develop a routine with all the constant interruptions by phone, email, and family, not to mention all the "fires" that need putting out. There must be a way to make it all work, more often than not, but what is that way? One step forward and three (or more) back is what it all feels like.
For the video lessons I always try to have the space and time to do the lesson, not just watch it. Maybe I shouldn't wait for that. Maybe I should just watch it as soon as I can and then at least I've seen it and know what's going on. Then if I get the time and space to do the lesson that's a BONUS.
This is so much of a struggle that it's hard to worry about all the techniques and fine tuning of my Kung Fu. I'm pretty much just happy if I get to practice at all.
One foot in front of the other, that's what I'm doing.
Plans dashed
Step - plans changed
Things go wrong
Step - make at least one thing go right (i.e. I made the bed [thank you for recommending that video])
"Fires" to put out
Step - at least one "fire" quenched
Didn't practice yesterday
Step - practice today
No time to practice everything
Step - practice at least one thing
Even if I don't succeed at all the requirements and achieving mastery, at least I should be closer than I was before. Right?