That could be the title of any of my blog posts :-)
Not pleased with most of my numbers. There’s been a certain level of guilt with not being able to do pushups and sit-ups. Like, if I can’t do those then nothing else is a good enough replacement for them. Or maybe I’m not good enough because I can’t do them? Silly the thoughts you tell yourself sometimes. I need to get past that. If I can’t do pushups that day then I need to do something else instead, no excuses, no negative self-talk. I find that it’s the exercises in motion that are the worst for the shoulders. Static exercises seem to cause no issues. The only static exercise replacements I can think of are planks. Anyone else have some suggestions?
The same goes for my sit-ups. Started the year out strong, doing about 200 per day, but then the low back started going, “Hey, stop that!”, but I didn’t replace it with consistently doing something else.
Haven’t practiced the staves form as much as I wanted to, or the way I wanted to. Lack of space has been a problem since the weather got colder. Practicing outside was the only place where there was truly enough room to swing two long weapons, simultaneously, around at full speed and not hit anything, or anyone. No matter where else I practice, even at the Kwoon, I’m always slowing down, pulling in, so that I don’t hit things or people. I feel like that translates into my form not looking like it’s hitting things, or could be hitting things, and therefore my form doesn’t look as good as it could.
My tracking has been subpar as well. This year has been very difficult for me to remember to write down my numbers, making them look worse than they should be. Never quite sure how to write down my form reps either when I’m working on just parts of it for any length of time.
That’s enough negativity for this post.
Something that I feel is going well, finally, is memorizing Mastery. I write it out each day, by hand (no typing allowed). This is a technique I’ve done before, but only recently has it been feeling like it’s working for me. I think the “space” I’m learning to give myself is helping. How can a grown person be trying to do the equivalent of three full-time careers not realize that it’s too much? I’m enjoying the sabbatical (from two of them), although there is still a lot of work to do curating my life, which is also taking a lot of time, I believe it is time well spent.
Pushups/equivalent: 1512
Sit-ups/equivalent: 7508
Weapon form: 430
Hand form: 142
RAoK: 181
Sparring: 404
Kilometres: 2051
Memorizing “Mastery”: progressing
Blogging: 27
Drawing: 8
Meditation: 62
Great Coat Project: still stalled