So much for the good start to the year. Boy it doesn't take long!
Training has been interrupted.
Been having trouble sleeping lately, a problem I've never really had to deal with before. Whether it's shoulder pain - I keep waking up in pain because I lie on it in my sleep - or just having trouble getting to sleep. When I do sleep I dream of not being able to sleep. It all adds up. So much so that I missed my one-on-one with Sifu... ahem... Master Rybak. Sorry! Guess I got so tired that I finally crashed and slept through the meeting time.
On top of that, the time for the Fast started on March 1. I already crashed and burned on that one too. So, I made a decision. For the Fast this year I would not fast as usual. Instead I've cut out coffee (which I usually do) and the big change: decided I need to do some serious self-care.
I booked an evaluation, and now a physiotherapy session. First session is next Saturday. It's probably like the story of the shoemakers kids. Need to look after myself the way I would want my clients to look after themselves.
The past few days though have been none productive. Too exhausted to think straight, and yesterday the coffee withdrawal headache struck with a vengeance.
Today feels better, and I've already been able to get a tiny bit of training in. Unfortunately, there is a lot of catching up to do with the loss of those days, both in training and work.