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Writer's pictureElizabeth

Sometimes Good is Good Enough

Wanted to do a more finished drawing for a change but only got these ball point pen sketches done, which leads me to the title of this blog. Sometimes good, really is good enough. What matters is that I did the drawing, not that I did the best drawing. I'm maintaining a good habit rather than trying to make everything perfect. If I waited until I could do the best drawing I might never get it done at all. Plus, I still learned something from the experience of doing these sketches.

The same concept applies to my numbers for I Ho Chuan this year. I'm working more on maintaining a training habit than on numbers of repetitions. Working to be training consistently, on more days (with some rest days), rather than on doing a lot of repetitions on only a few days. Of course all of this without breaking myself again.

While posting these drawings isn't necessary for me to work on my goal for drawing regularly I find that posting them helps me get them done. It kind of holds me accountable. After all, if no one can see it, is it really happening? Team members have mentioned the same thing about posting their I Ho Chuan numbers. Posting them helps them get them done. So here are mine.

Planks (instead of pushups): 740 seconds

Situps: 632

Da Mu Hsing: 66

Cane form: 98

Random Acts of Kindness: 73 (I keep forgetting to mark them down!)

Sparring: 30

Kilometers: 227

Drawing (minimum once per week): Yes

Numbers would have been better if it hadn't been for a period of... well... a lot of work and stress that has been going on since February 17. That all appears to be settling down again and so I hope that my pattern of training will return to what it was prior to that period of time.

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